Thursday, April 2, 2009


1st of April marks the beginning of another chapter in my life.

The night before I couldn't sleep well. It's not my birthday. Finally
I've to let go of my responsibilities and then take on new challenge
and heavier responsibilities. Only by God's grace, I am where I am

I received a letter from the Govt Dept, I'm now recognized as a
competent person. Furthermore, the officer personally handed me the
letter. A privilege indeed. Hope it's not an April Fool's trick.

My night was beautiful. Thanks to a church sister for providing us the
opportunity to enjoy a night without Huan Xin. It was a celebration, a
time to rekindle our intimacy and also to mark the 'passover'.

For the past week, work at site has kept me busy and away from office.
I was already both mentally and physically tired. Then, this morning
my sleep was disturbed, though restless, the noise is nothing but
chuckles from my baby. My wife placed her right beside me. There's no
use for alarm clock anymore.

With a busy work, a challenging future, a recognition from Govt, an
understanding wife and a cute adorable baby, life is certainly